Tuesday 25 August 2015

Body Positivity and Weight Loss

It has been going off on twitter the past couple days.

I feel like as a member of the plus size community I don't speak up enough on issues that we face, but I am trying to change that. And this topic really hit home for me, so I wanted to take to the blog and put my two cents in.

Today's topic is, "Can you be body positive and lose weight at the same time?"

I see all the time in the plus size community people saying that you can't be body positive and lose weight. I am now gonna weigh in on this heavily discussed and debated topic that has caused some good and not so good opinions. This post isn't me calling anybody out or judging anyone for how they think and feel. This is just my personal opinion on the subject.
For the longest time I thought body positivity was more so for the plus size community. But the more I thought about it and looked into the meaning behind it I realised I was wrong. Body positivity (to me) is for men and women of all different sizes and abilities, loving themselves and how they look and being at peace with what they see in the mirror. It's about encouraging others to accept people as they are and not judging them for how they look. It's about boosting body image at any size, its about making yourself feel comfortable in your own skin, it's about feeling positive about yourself. Being body positive is also not us big girl promoting obesity or an unhealthy lifestyle, which some people can't seem to grasp. 

So in answer to the question, yes you can be body positive and still want to lose weight. Because losing weight is you choosing to make a positive healthy change for YOURSELF, and doing what you deem right for yourself and your mental well being. If losing weight is going to do that for you, then by all means do you boo boo. And don't worry what others think. Do what is right for you, that is all that matters, not the opinions of strangers, trolls and the media.

I used to think that girls who would promote loving yourself as a big girl then dieting and losing weight were traitors/frauds (dramatic I know), but I don't see it like that anymore. Some people may be changing their unhealthy habits and wanting to live a healthy lifestyle which may or may not cause them to lose weight. Weight loss may not necessarily be their goal its just about adopting a healthier lifestyle and relationship with food. And I 100% understand that.

I am not losing weight for anyone but myself. I am limited in the things I can do with my body at this size and it is very frustrating. But there are people in the world bigger than me who get on with day to day life just fine. Because no two people are the same, even if they are the same weight. So for me I am choosing better options for my health. I've put it through a lot being this size and am grateful that I haven't suffered too much of the problems associated with being bigger *knock on wood*. Also just because this is what I'm choosing, does not mean I am here to impose that others need to follow suit and slim down as well.

I will continue to be a body positive person and speak out about plus size issues and STILL lose weight because I am choosing to love myself at ANY SIZE! Which is the crux of the body positive movement. One of the great life lessons to learn is how to love yourself no matter what and to know your worth whether you are a size 0 or size 36.

Also if you are of the larger variety and are losing weight, do not try to shame those that don't want to follow a diet and exercise routine and are happy as they are. That also goes for those of you who have reached your goal weight too, just because you are no longer fat does not give you the right to judge. And for those of you who are happy being bigger don't come down on those who want to lose weight,  we are all on our own journey and should support each others choices. Especially if those choices are not hurting anyone else.

Be loving and kind to someone because of who they are not because of what they look like. Dislike someone for being a d*** but don't hate them for their appearance, you miss out on knowing some awesome people by doing that.

I hope you understand where I am coming from. We all deserve to live the best life we can, however we want.


Sonya xoxo
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*all products mentioned were purchased by me with my own money except where marked with an asterisk (*) or stated, everything is my own view and I have not been paid to do this post*

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